Sunday, October 05, 2008

Chillin' at the house

Ben enjoyed some evening cuddle time with Grampa and his ever-present panther. He's also holding a phone he borrowed from Aunt Kelly's room. He slept with it every night we were there. The first night, Chris woke up and thought he heard one of the kids downstairs, so he tip-toed down in the dark to see who it was. He did a full circuit of the ground floor but didn't spy anything amiss. He was half way up the stairs when he heard Ben pick up the phone and say "Heyoooo" (which is how he says hello). He was sitting on a bench in the the dark! He had managed to walk down the stairs in the dark, carrying the phone, and was apparently cathing up on some phone calls. Chris had walked by him and never seen him.
Krista's "little" brother Ian, who just retured from a tour in Iraq this summer.
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