Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Tacoma "Green House"

This house was featured in People magazine at the end of September, so while we were in the Tacoma area, I tracked down the owner and called to see if we could stop by to see it. Not only did he agree, but he informed us that there was a ladder there and we were welcome to use it to climb on the roof! For those not familiar with it, it's a house that has grass planted on it's roof instead of shingles. On the roof over the garage, they have a flower garden on one side (shown above, behind Chris and the kids) and a vegetable garden on the other! Katie was way more interested in the dandelions than in the grass on the roof, but once Ben discovered that if he hit the dandelion just as she was about to blow it, all the spores would fall off, it wasn't as much fun for her.
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