Final Spring Disney trip
Lindy and Linda on Dumbo--this was Lindy's first time at Magic Kingdom and she was so much fun to watch as she experienced Disney Magic for the first time.
Ben got drenched and stayed that way most of the rest of the day, which was really a moot point when the skies opened up on us around 5:30 (as we were leaving, no less) and we got drenched running to our car. Still, a great time was had by all.
Our Disney passes hit the next "black out" period the first week in June, so we took a Tuesday off to escape down to Orlando to enjoy the park one more time this spring. This is the only semi-decent pic I got of Katie on the trip. She really WAS having fun, but it was a warm day and this was just after the afternoon parade. She was barely tolerating the fact that I was trying to get a picture of her. She and Suri Cruise would have a lot to talk about regarding paparazzi.
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