Sunday, January 04, 2009

Highlights from Ohio

With multiple cameras going at all times, we have over 200 pictures from our trip to Ohio, so I'll just post some of our favorite moments. Above is what we like to call "A Taliban Christmas". Sam and Katie made these fun...interesting masks with Grama. The funny thing was, as we were taking these pictures, Katie was saying "cheeeeeeese" the whole time and finally said "Hurry up, I can't keep holding my breath!" Priceless!

Four blonde kiddos in the tub. Katie, Ben, Sam and Abby. Wonder how many more years we'll be able to do this??

Scrubbed and tubbed, then it was time for jammies. They sure do look cute in their warm fuzzy footie jammies!

Katie and Ben could not pass up the opportunity to "help" Grama make birthday cupcakes for Daddy.
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