Saturday, August 30, 2008

Halloween prep??

Halloween is a big deal around here. We got a Grandin Road catalog in the mail last week that was heavily peppered with Halloween decor. It's now Katie's favorite book. Ugh! So now she spends most of her days preparing for the blessed event, trying to determine her costume, and practicing looking "scary". This face is courtesy of a blue sucker from Aunt Heather, but we felt it fit nicely into a pre-Halloween dress-up montage. If a blue face isn't scary, I don't know what is.
Katie normally hogs the dragon costume that she wore for Halloween last year, but one day this week, she actually let Ben try it on for the first time. He rather enjoyed it, until he realized that it's about 125* in there. A bit warm for August in Florida.
Okay, I know we probably should not have posted this photo, but we just couldn't resist sharing our darling little "princesses". Ahhhh, Ben, you have no idea how much ammunition your are giving us for when you are older and we need something to blackmail you with! The scary part is, he wore this Little Mermaid costume ALL MORNING and was quite upset when Dad made him take it off so they could go to Best Buy. He would have been delighted to wear it all day. I wonder if this is how Lady Chablis got started??
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