Ben has hit so many milestoes in the last few weeks. He has quickly gone from commando-crawling (on his belly) to crawling, to sitting with ease. Now he pulls to standing every chance he gets. Here he is greeting me from his crib.

Showing us how the big guys crawl. Can you see how pleased he is with his new abilities?

Ben now takes all his meal sitting in his high chair like a big boy. In the last two days alone, he has chosen to boycott any food that requires a spoon, preferring instead to do it himself. Thank heavens for Cheerios!

The latest crawling technique to take hold involves one knee and one foot. At first, he was immobile when he got onto the hardwood floors, but he quickly learned how to maneuver around on them. In this shot, Ben had just come across a cup of Katie's snacks sitting on the floor. He gobbled them up in no time and was off to search for more hidden treats.
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