Sunday, November 01, 2009

Beach baby

Ben was napping and Krista was studying, so Katie went with Chris to take pics of Tyler surfing. She enjoyed splashing in the surf and posing for Dad. She was especially proud of her "curly hair" (which actually just appeared to have been attacked by a crimping iron)--a result of sleeping with braids in last night.
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Only in Florida...

We have been blessed (or cursed?) with continued warm weather so far this fall. It's been in the mid-to-upper 80's most days. Today, Tyler headed out to the beach to get in some surf time and Chris and Katie went along to take some pics.
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Block party

Our neighborhood throws a block party to kick off trick-or-treating each year. We all fuel up on pizza and baked goodies, then head out for the festivities. Katie was so excited to see so many other princesses there! Ben was a little dazed by all the commotion, but you can see in the bottom picture that Katie stood right by his side. At least her wig made her easy to spot. =)
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Feeling Halloween-ish

Katie as "Ariel: the Little Mermaid"

Ben was insisting on being a ballerina (tu-tu and all) until the last minute, when he agreed to be a fireman as originally planned.

Ben and Katie are ready to trick-or-treat!

Melissa and Tyler ready to go to a H-ween party. I wonder if she's border patrol?? He eventually scrubbed the sharpie marker off his face, but it took a lot of effort.
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Pumpkin carving time!

Chris did most of the hard work.

Katie refused to touch anything that might get her fingers sticky.

Bne was delighted with the absolute mess!

Katie and Krista working on Kate's pumpkin.
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