Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Princess

Katie happily posed with the creepy pumpkin man--not really sure what he's supposed to be. Ben was too upset over losing control of the wheelbarrow and refused to get in any photos.

Katie insisted on proving to us that she could lift this sucker. Turns out, she was right.

Still right, but straining under the weight.

I'm pretty sure Katie's favorite part of the pumpkin patch is posing for pictures. This is her Maxim pose. I swear, we did NOT put her this way. She insisted. The teen years should be a blast with this one.
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Pumpkin patch fun

Ben immediately located the wheelbarrow and was all smiles until another child "borrowed" it from him and never gave it back.

The selection has been made!

Ben loading his prize pumpkin into the wheelbarrow.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We did it!!

The last mile-marker sign--only .1 miles to go from here!!!

We did it!! Crossing the finish line was an emotional experience for both of us. We linked arm and skipped across, cheering for our own accomplishment while tearing up at the enormity of it. This was a life-changing experience for me. 39.3 miles in two days. For two days, we walked as one to raise funds for breast cancer programs, treatment, and research.

We still had a mile walk back to our hotel, so we stopped in at a pub along the way and toasted our success. Many thanks to all those who supported our efforts, not only with financial donations, but through emotional support. We needed every last one of our "cheerleaders" to make this happen!
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Day 2: 13.1 miles

Getting ready to start walking on Day 2. The temps were only in the 40's, so it was a chilly start and we were SO glad we didn't sleep in "tent city" (pictured below). Heather threw on a make-shift sarong to cover her legs during the chilly part of the morning and I gave in all together and wore capris. Still...we were just happy to be moving after having done the marathon the day before. I'll admit that we were both walking like hip-replacement patients the night before, wondering how we would ever get up and move the next morning. Somehow, we managed!

Tent city, where we did NOT sleep. Gotta love hotels!

Having fun @ mile 3.

Heather gave up her walking shoes for "fit flops" on Day 2. Her combo of flips and fashionable socks were quite the topic of conversation all day.
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Day 1, con't.

Crossing the Brookyn Bridge, which was right around mile 16. Still going strong!!

After we finished the marathon (my first!!) we headed back to our hotel, got cleaned up, then went to Caliente Cab Co for chips, salsa, and drinks. Cheers!!

I had to take a moment to pose with the ghoul in the lobby of Caliente Cab Co.
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Day 1: 26.2 miles

I walked in honor of my childhood friend, Karen, and my Aunt Peg, both survivors!!

Heather proudly displayed the names of those she was walking in honor of.

Ready, set...go!!

The "Moo Crew" came out to cheer us on all over the city on both days. We really felt loved, welcome, and supported throughout our two days of walking. So many people came out to cheer us on, pass out snacks, help us cross busy streets, and so much more. What an event!!
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Event Eve

After a year of planning and preparation, it was finally time for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in NYC! Heather and I flew in on Friday and walked the city (as if we weren't going to do enough of that over the weekend!) and attended Event Eve in Brooklyn.

Checking out the city skyline from across the river in Brooklyn.

Friday night, we went to see "Rock of Ages". If you have a chance to see this show, RUN, do NOT walk!! It was so incredible!!
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Saturday, October 03, 2009

Tyler turns 17!

Tyler's birthday fell on a Monday this year, so it was pretty much business as usual. Grama and Grampa met up with us to celebrate with dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Tyler's friend Melissa joined us. Katie has decided Melissa is her new best friend. Ben's pretty sweet on her as well.
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Pre-schoolers with "free time"...

1. Put every butterfly clip they can find in their doll's hair,

2. Organize their "bugs" in the doll house,

3. Teach their trucks how to color.
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Girl's Night OUT!

My oldest childhood friend, Karen Hepburn, came in town for a visit from Canada in late September. We only had a couple days to visit, but it was SO nice to visit with her and catch up! We did dinner with the family, then headed out with the "girls" for drinks.

Kristin and Jen

Kim (who was in town from NC), Kristin, Jenny, Karen and me

The other end of the table...Karen, me, Alyson, Kim and Kristin.
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All About Kate

It doesn't matter how many time we go. Katie still insists on standing beneath the P.F. Chang's horses every time we go to Town Center. And we just keep on taking pictures... =)

Katie has not tired of her special connection with Jackson in the least. He's actually kind of lonely now that they're in school all day.
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The pre-school years

Momma walking Katie and Ben into the school for the first day.

Katie wasted no time making friends.

And Ben wasted no time finding the monkey bars!
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