Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day 2009
Tyler woke up long enough for us to open gifts then promptly went back to bed, but we did manage to get a pic of Daddy with his other three "kids". What a proud poppa!
Ben and Katie picked out and painted these items all on their own (so hard to tell, I know). Ben INSISTED that he get a firetruck piggy bank and paint it orange (which he then painted over black--Chris says it looks like it's actually been IN a fire!) and Katie would not waver from her choice of a kitty, which she was certain should be blue. The red ears were an afterthought and are not meant to make the blue kitty look like she's suffered a head wound. They were so excited to have Daddy open them, though, and the love they have for him really showed through. I suspect that alone will make these treasured works of art.
Weekend fun
I'm not sure why we make brownies so often (okay, I guess I know WHY....) but I can never resist getting a picture of our little chefs helping out. Katie is always more concerned with eating the batter than actually making the brownies, but she's been known to polish off her share of the finished product as well. And I love any opportunity to get a pic of my hubby in a GATOR shirt! =)