Krista's 1st 1/2 Marathon
As many of you know, I've been training hard (and raising funds!) for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, which is a marathon-and-a-half taking place over two days in October in NYC. As part of my training, I thought it would be helpful to take part in a half-marathon first. So on this beautiful day in February, sister-in-law Heather and I strapped on our walking shoes and walked 13.1 miles for Breast Cancer (note the "Save the Ta-Tas" shirts!) My mother Susan and good friend Kristin had to cancel due to inury and illness, but Heather and I were out there at the crack of dawn and had a great race. Chris and the kids came out to cheer us on (Katie with pom-poms in tow!) and I was very proud of our finishing time of 3:14:05--a full 30 minutes ahead of what I was anticipating.