Sunday, February 15, 2009

Krista's 1st 1/2 Marathon

As many of you know, I've been training hard (and raising funds!) for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, which is a marathon-and-a-half taking place over two days in October in NYC. As part of my training, I thought it would be helpful to take part in a half-marathon first. So on this beautiful day in February, sister-in-law Heather and I strapped on our walking shoes and walked 13.1 miles for Breast Cancer (note the "Save the Ta-Tas" shirts!) My mother Susan and good friend Kristin had to cancel due to inury and illness, but Heather and I were out there at the crack of dawn and had a great race. Chris and the kids came out to cheer us on (Katie with pom-poms in tow!) and I was very proud of our finishing time of 3:14:05--a full 30 minutes ahead of what I was anticipating.
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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Our Newest Family member

We finally brought Jackson home today and the kids are SO excited! They both had to take turns walking him in the front yard and he had great fun running around in the grass while Katie squealed with delight. Ben is obsessed with having him eat "food all gone" and Katie only wants to walk him. Being that Jackson has never been on a leash, it's been an interesting afternoon! So now we head into our first night with a puppy in the house and I have to wonder if it's going to be like having an infant all over again?? Stay tuned for updates!
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Cool Wheels

Well, I guess that day has finally come. Tyler got his license back in early November and he and I have been sharing the van since then, but we found a great deal on an '03 Ford Taurus and couldn't let it pass. So here is Tyler and his new wheels, God help us all! =)
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Tiny Gymnast

Aunt Heather and Grama Susan gave us gift certificates for Little Gym so Katie could try out some gymnastics classes. Her first class started Jan 23rd and she has been having such fun going each week. She has a MAJOR crush on one of her instructors, James, and might actually have more fun picking out her leotard for class more than the actual class, but it is fun to watch her enjoy herself none-the-less.
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