Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Beckham in training

Tyler's 3rd game of the season was a 14-0 success. Here he is in action.

 Posted by Picasa

Having a ball, wish you were here!

Tyler and Ben play ball with Katie
Katie stops the action to "pose" for Mommma. Posted by Picasa

Tyler's Photography skills

Tyler got a shot of Grama and Grampa at Ben's christening.
Katie was not doing well in church, so Ty took her out on the playground during the sermon.
Looks like they were having more fun out there...
Crazy Kate. Posted by Picasa

Fooling Around

Tummy time with Ben.
Katie and Ben love playing together.
We brought out Katie's old exer-saucer for Ben to try out, but Katie has yet to let him have a try. She doesn't seem to mind that she's too big for it.
Back in the saucer. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Soccer Star

Sorry the photos are kind of blurry--we have a new camera and are still working out the kinks.
Tyler goes in for the ball.
Tyler is co-captain of the team this year. They won their second game 7-1. Tyler had two assists. Posted by Picasa

Nature walk

Our little nature-lover.
Busy fingers.

Digging in the dirt with Grama (who was still in her church clothes!) Posted by Picasa

Bless this child

We had Ben christened on Sunday, Jan. 21st. Krista's Aunt Karen and Uncle Rich are Ben's godparents. Here we all are on stage. Sadly, we did not get many photos of the event.
Pastor Jerry Sweat did the honors.
Uncle Rich bonds with his godson. Posted by Picasa

Cousin Matthew

Matthew had a great time tooling around on Katie's bike
Jason cuddles with the birthday girl and his boy Matthew.
What a heart breaker! Posted by Picasa

Let her eat cake

Happy Birthday to Katie!
Blowing out the candle
The frosting was obviously her favorite part Posted by Picasa

Time for Presents

After several family birthdays in a row, and then Christmas, Katie was very familiar with how to open packages, and delighted in doing just that.
Grama Beutel helps out.
Katie loves her new soccer ball, a gift from Uncle Rich and Aunt Karen.
A Dora tray from Grama Susan will surely become her new favorite place to eat. Posted by Picasa

The Princess Plays

Grampa Beutel shows Katie how to use the telescope...
...while Daddy takes a picture from the other end of the lens!

That smile is worth a million bucks! Posted by Picasa

Time to play

Katie was delighted to spend most of her birthday playing outside on a gift from her Aunt Heather. This play set will provide hours and hours of fun.
Testing the slide.
Smiley girl.
Katie loves to swing. Posted by Picasa