Thursday, September 28, 2006

Katie and Ben in Mom and Dad's bed. Posted by Picasa

"I can see the candy...but how do I get it OUT?" Posted by Picasa

Katie found Tyler's candy stash and was begging me to open it.  Posted by Picasa

Big girl on her bike. Actually, she stands up and walks with it between her legs, but at least she's having fun. Posted by Picasa

Katie enjoys sitting in her toy box, she just can't get out by herself. Posted by Picasa

Katie really wanted us to buy this--the biggest duck in the world. No luck. Posted by Picasa

Aunt Heather helps Katie to some cheesecake.  Posted by Picasa

Tyler wishes on his birthday cheesecake while Katie looks on. Posted by Picasa

Our little babushka. Posted by Picasa

Super star! Posted by Picasa

Katie cuddles with Aunt Heather. Posted by Picasa

Ben is bright-eyed in his swing. Posted by Picasa

Katie is ready to sing happy birthday to Tyler. Posted by Picasa

His RC car from Grama and Grampa Beutel should keep hiim busy for weeks to come. Posted by Picasa

The birthday boy turns 14! What's with the centerfold pose? Posted by Picasa

These boots are made for walking. Posted by Picasa

Aunt Heather and Katie are going for a walk outside after a late-summer shower. Katie loves her new boots! Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Ben are ready for bed. Posted by Picasa

Shirtless and sockless. Posted by Picasa

Katie has started showing interest in her potty chair, but mostly, she just likes to either be naked while near it, or fully clothed while sitting on it. Notice the lack of socks under her light-up shoes. How white trash are we? Posted by Picasa

Our boy is getting so big! Here he is at six weeks. Posted by Picasa

Momma and Ben. He's wearing one of Katie's old nighties and you can really see the resemblance between the two of them. Just not from this camera angle... Posted by Picasa

A close-up of our whiny baby girl. Posted by Picasa

Katie woke up from her nap extremely cranky one day. She insisted on bringing down an armload of "friends" from her crib, then sat in her Dad's chair crying for several minutes. I couldn't resist getting some shots of her tantrum. Posted by Picasa

Tyler helps us out by soothing Ben while we tend to Katie and cook dinner. Ben still has a hard time holding on to his "plug" on his own. Posted by Picasa