Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Katie's newest "thing" is to lay on her tummy in the middle of the floor for long periods of time. No idea why she does this, but she seems to enjoy it. Those hardwood floors cannot be comfortable! Posted by Picasa

I've been in a walking group since March called "See Mommy Run". I've met TONS of stay-at-home moms and their babies through this group. Here are Amy (with birthday boy John), Carissa (with Lily), Lesley (with Caroline), Linda (with Lindy), and me with Katie. There's just no hope of looking even a little thin when you're 8 months pregnant in a swimsuit next to a bunch of skinny mommas! Posted by Picasa

Momma, Katie and Tyler. Posted by Picasa

At a birthday pool party this past weekend, Katie and I took a swim to cool off. It was easily 100 degrees out! You can see how big my tummy is, even though I was trying to suck it in. Haha! Posted by Picasa

Grama Susan bought Katie her Halloween costume--a unicorn. We tried it on her and found that it fits now, which means that it might be too small come October. You can see how "excited" she is to be wearing it. The look on her face says it all. That, and she was convinced it was a cow. Posted by Picasa

Katie and her friend, Payton, looking at the fish. Posted by Picasa

Katie checking out the fish. As you can see, her hair is getting kind of out of control, but I've been prohibited by several family members from taking scissors to her golden locks again. I guess we'll have to get her to a salon soon. Posted by Picasa

Momma and Katie visit with the very long-tongued giraffe. Check out my baby bulge (we're WAY beyond the bump stage!) Posted by Picasa

Katie and Momma went to the zoo on Tuesday, July 11th. It was SOOO hot outside, I thought we'd both melt. This was taken just as we were arriving at the zoo and Katie already looks like she's had enough of the heat. Notice she's clinging to her flamingo and her "gay pride" lion--fitting for a trip to the zoo. Posted by Picasa

Since giving up the bottle at the end of June, we now give Katie her bed-time milk in a cup with a straw. On this night, she wasn't really into the idea of sitting and rocking with either one of us, so Daddy put her milk in her pink puppy purse and she used it like a coozie. She drank the whole cup this way and insisted on having her drinks in the "coozie" for several days thereafter. Oh, and she's also sitting on her Pooh-mobile...backwards. Posted by Picasa

Tyler says "hello" to his newest cousin, Abigail. She's getting so big! Posted by Picasa

Goofing around on the deck in honor of the World Cup. Posted by Picasa

Back on the knee board. He's quite the water sport afficianado! Posted by Picasa

On the slalom ski. Posted by Picasa

Knee-boarding at the lake (which is actually in Kentucky, if you want to get technical). Posted by Picasa

Photos from Tyler's visit to Ohio: here he is wake-boarding at the lake house. Can you believe how tall this kid is getting? Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 03, 2006

A view of the whole furniture painting operation. Posted by Picasa

The major project this weekend has been painting the nursery furniture. This is Tyler's old crib and change table, that we "hope" to fix up enough to use for Max until Katie is done using hers. Check out Chris's new spray gun. Posted by Picasa

Discovering the shells. Posted by Picasa

Katie dancing in the sand. Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Katie. The ominous clouds in the background dumped rain on us 30 minutes later. Gave us a great excuse to head home, since Katie was (oddly) not interested in going in the water unless we were carrying her. Posted by Picasa

Our beach babe, with the new Jax Pier in the background. (Well, okay, it's a year old.) Posted by Picasa

Tyler and Gabriel. Posted by Picasa

We took the kids (including Tyler's friend Gabriel) to the beach on Sunday for a little while. Here are the boys, heading out to tackle the "killer waves". They were about 2 feet, at best. Posted by Picasa

Then she'd finish off the bottle in Mom's lap. Then, Daddy would take her up to bed. Today is July 3rd and she hasn't had a bottle since this one pictured on June 30th. The first couple nights were a little rough--she kept asking for her "bah-bah"--but tonight went a little better. Hopefully, but the time Max arrives, she'll have forgotten all about her bottles. Posted by Picasa