Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A view from the balcony: Katie and her basket of goodies. Posted by Picasa

Katie was having a clingy-cranky-fussy day, so she gave Mom a break for a few minutes by feeding herself a bottle. Posted by Picasa

More tummy time. Posted by Picasa

We try to get in as much floor time as possible in the hopes that one day, she'll decide to crawl. If we put her on her hands and knees, she goes back to a sitting position. If we lay her on her tummy, she can't get her knees up under her body. Posted by Picasa

Our commando crawler can only move backwards. She typically inches around until she gets her legs pinned under a piece of funiture, like she is here under the entertainment center. Posted by Picasa

Katie is all "plummed" up after dinner. Posted by Picasa

Another angle of our sweet girl sleeping in her swing. Posted by Picasa

Our princess fell asleep in her swing one morning while Momma was taking a shower. I am happy to report that she now naps in her crib about 80% of the time. We are no longer slaves to the swing! Posted by Picasa

Katie is ready for the sippy cup, but she prefers to drink out of a "real" cup. She does a pretty good job, but usually ends up soaked if we're not careful. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tyler and Thomas heading out for the first day of school. Seventh grade. Where have the years gone? Posted by Picasa

Sitting like a big girl. Posted by Picasa

"MOM! Stop taking pictures and help me out of this thing! Sheesh!" Posted by Picasa

"Maybe if I go this way, I can work my way out of this contraption. Houdini has nothing on me." Posted by Picasa

Check out the blonde mowhawk on this kid! Still trying to get out of her seat... Posted by Picasa

Breakfast was going just fine until the kitty decided to get in on the action. Once that happens, all Katie wants to do is get out of the chair and get her "paws" on the kitty. Posted by Picasa

Do you think she needs more toys?? They are taking over the living room! Posted by Picasa

Looks like she ended up with more carrots on her bib than in her tummy. We're still learning to eat efficiently.  Posted by Picasa

Giving the camera a raspberry. Thhhbbbbbb. Posted by Picasa

Katie and Dexter. I tried to get Dexy to lay down next to Katie, but Katie's new game is trying to pull out all the cat's fur, so Dex isn't a big fan of being close to her for long periods of time. Posted by Picasa

7/20/05 Katie at six months. Her first tooth broke through the gums two days ago and she's enjoying chewing everything she can get her hands on. Posted by Picasa

7/19/05 Our big girl is able to sit on her own...but only for a couple minutes at a time. She still falls on her face quite a bit! Posted by Picasa